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  1. O'Regan, M; Sakamoto, T; King, JW (2008): (Table 1) Core recovery summary and vertical core offsets (affine) for the meters composite depth and revised meters composite depth scales of Hole 302-M0004A
    Related to:  O'Regan, M; Sakamoto, T; King, JW (2008): Data report: Regional stratigraphic correlation and a revised composite depth scale for IODP Expedition 302. In: Backman, J., Moran, K., McInroy, D.B., Mayer, L.A., and the Expedition 302 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 302: Edinburgh (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.).
    Size:  252 data points
    https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.707032 - Score: 18.705
  2. O'Regan, M; Sakamoto, T; King, JW (2008): (Table 1) Core recovery summary and vertical core offsets (affine) for the meters composite depth and revised meters composite depth scales of Hole 302-M0003A
    Related to:  O'Regan, M; Sakamoto, T; King, JW (2008): Data report: Regional stratigraphic correlation and a revised composite depth scale for IODP Expedition 302. In: Backman, J., Moran, K., McInroy, D.B., Mayer, L.A., and the Expedition 302 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 302: Edinburgh (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.).
    Size:  18 data points
    https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.707027 - Score: 18.705

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