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  1. Heindel, K; Birgel, D; Peckmann, J et al. (2012): (Supplement 1) All detected fatty acids and their compound-specific carbon isotopic values from different Holes of IODP Expedition 310
    Related to:  Heindel, K; Birgel, D; Peckmann, J et al. (2010): Formation of deglacial microbialites in coral reefs off Tahiti (IODP 310) involving sulfate-reducing bacteria. Palaios
    Size:  496 data points
    https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.788387 - Score: 14.803
  2. Heindel, K; Birgel, D; Peckmann, J et al. (2012): (Table 3) Analysis of non-carbonate fractions from different Holes of IODP Expedition 310
    Related to:  Heindel, K; Birgel, D; Peckmann, J et al. (2010): Formation of deglacial microbialites in coral reefs off Tahiti (IODP 310) involving sulfate-reducing bacteria. Palaios
    Size:  33 data points
    https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.788367 - Score: 14.803
  3. Heindel, K; Birgel, D; Peckmann, J et al. (2012): (Table 1) Growth patterns of microbialites, water depths and applied methods from different Holes of IODP Expedition 310
    Related to:  Heindel, K; Birgel, D; Peckmann, J et al. (2010): Formation of deglacial microbialites in coral reefs off Tahiti (IODP 310) involving sulfate-reducing bacteria. Palaios
    Size:  170 data points
    https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.788364 - Score: 14.803
  4. Asami, R; Felis, T; Deschamps, P et al. (2009): Coral oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca data from IODP Hole M0009D, section 310-M0009D-7R-1
    Related to:  Asami, R; Felis, T; Deschamps, P et al. (2009): Evidence for tropical South Pacific climate change during the Younger Dryas and the Bølling-Allerød from geochemical records of fossil Tahiti corals. Earth and Planetary Science Letters
    Size:  602 data points
    https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.736654 - Score: 14.803

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