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  1. Expedition 347 Scientists (2014): Palynomorphs and freshwater algae from IODP Hole 347-M0059C
    Related to:  Andrén, T; Jørgensen, BB; Cotterill, C et al. (2015): Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment. Proceedings of the IODP, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
    Size:  120 data points
    https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.840831 - Score: 34.53
  2. Kotthoff, U; Bauersachs, T; Quintana Krupinski, NB et al. (2022): Data from a multi-proxy comparison from the Little Belt (IODP Expedition 347, Site M0059: palynomorph, diatom, geochemical data)
    Related to:  Kotthoff, U; Groeneveld, J; Ash, J et al. (2017): Reconstructing Holocene temperature and salinity conditions in the western Baltic Sea region: A multi-proxy comparison from the Lillebælt (IODP Expedition 347, Site M0059). Biogeosciences
    Size:  9 data points
    https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.943832 - Score: 18.814

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